Image by Robert Yang

Make the move, bring your accounts in-house

Here's a quick note to talk about some of our offerings at wenzuo. Our Client Incubator Program is established to help your teams establish marketing know-how, grow staff and reduce costs from indefinite 3rd party management of rote tasks.

We will help you develop a fertile environment to grow and incubate your ideas using all available marketing tools. Having worked for years with a variety of platforms, in-house proprietary management tools, and analytics dashboards, we see common threads with all tools allowing us to develop an understanding that is "technology agnostic". Additionally, as we are not tied to any specific "brand name" vendor our thought processes and analysis of key metrics retain a fluid and holistic characteristic.

In-house Migration of Accounts

Every year marks the return of sea turtles to their rightful home in the ocean - that vast amalgamation of interconnected activities that supports the lifeforce of the entire ecosystem. Similarly in analogous form your company is one large ecosystem that is dependent on all the "life forces' at work. Being able to see what is going on from a birdseye to a ground level view is important to the stability of your organization. The ability to gauge the health of your marketing activities becomes increasingly important in order to drive key business decisions. Having those insights readily available will allow you to make snap decisions and reduce the need to "put out fires”.

Even if most of your online marketing activities are hatched outside of your organization, we can assure you that the transition from agency to in-house will be as smooth as possible transforming your company into a powerhouse of ideas and collective insight with all your SEM activities at your fingertips. As part of the client incubation program, Search Engine activity will become a vital part in your marketing research and voice in your organization's bottom line marketing.

Ideal Roadmap for Transition of Accounts:

Phase I: Implementation

Incubation Period (2-3 months)

  • Account setup
  • Establishment of creative assets, collateral, ad copy, landing page environments and settings
  • Testing of concepts, messaging, graphics and overall foundation
  • Weekly and monthly reporting of activities

Phase II: Account Transition (3-4 months)

  • Key components of campaigns built out in logical and intuitive fashion
  • Campaigns performing at optimal agreed upon performance goals between client and partner
  • Continual monitoring and optimizations of campaigns as company's in-house team is built and established
  • Mentor ship program to provide best practices, training, assistance and additional backup to your in house team

Phase III: Strategy and Analytics Partnership

  • After transition has taken place you can hire us on a project by project basis as your analytical and strategic partners to continually grow your task management and reporting capabilities
  • We can also serve as that "sanity check" to confirm your conclusions
  • Additionally as strategic partners, your marketing plan and activities will be tempered and reinforced with a layer of additional insights outside of the trenches

Shoot us a note at We'll take a look at where you want to take your organization. We offer services for a wide variety of platforms like: Google Ads, Facebook Advertising, Linkedin Ads, Youtube, and more.